Resume of Vassilis C. Papakonstantinou
Ship Transit Risk Project
The "Transit Risk Project" focuses on the
development of models for quantitative assessment of navigational
risks entailed by vessels during transits into and out of ports.
It is a three year long that employs historical casualty data to
build these models. The efforts during the first year focused on
the modeling of grounding risk at the port level, with special
emphasis on the contribution of inaccuracies in navigation
charts. Prof.
N. M. Patrikalakis from the Design
Laboratory of the Ocean
Engineering Department at MIT
and Dr. H. Kite-Powell from the Marine Policy Center at
the Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution are the principal investigators of this project. Johan Jebsen, another graduate student of
the department, is also involved in the project as a research
The results obtained from first years efforts are
encouraging. They suggest that sufficient data are available for
the construction of a meaningful port-level model. Even though
the accessible historical grounding data is not complete, the
model is expected to provide some explanatory and predictive
A separate model of economic risk has been developed also as
part of the project. The objective of this model is to provide
estimates of economic loss associated with the physical risk of
grounding for a given region. Work previously performed by the U.S. Coast Guard and others
served as the basis for constructing an algorithm that calculates
cost estimates for groundings as a function of relevant
parameters, including vessel size, nature of cargo and nature of
the transit area.
During the second year, the development of the port-level
model will continue and a working prototype will be delivered.
Meanwhile, the research group has started working on the
construction of a larger-scale model of risk within a segment of
a single waterway. This model is expected to incorporate results
of the port-level analysis, but will mainly investigate local
factors, such as specifics of channel design, navigational aids
configuration, currents, etc. The economic model is expected to
be refined as well, mainly by improving the characterization of
internal cost and possibly by including new data for external
environmental losses.
In the third year, the project focus is expected to shift to
other types of casualties, such as collisions. Experience gained
in building the risk grounding model will provide a basis for the
development of other, related models.
Biographical Information
- Master of Science in Ocean System Management,
February 1997
- Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department
of Ocean Engineering
- Thesis: Evaluation of the physical risk of ship
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, February 1994
- National Technical
University of Athens, Department
of Mechanical Engineering
- Thesis: Mathematical techniques for the analysis of
the aluminum flow during its die casting
Research Interests
- Information technology applications for the maritime
- Strategic management and corporate structure of maritime
Research Experience
- Research Assistant, MIT-Design Laboratory, USA.
- Since September 1995
- Research assistant with the Ship Transit
Risk Group in the Department
of Ocean Engineering, Design
Laboratory, under the
supervision of Prof. N. M. Patrikalakis.
Responsible for analyzing relationship between historical
ship groundings data and certain potential explanatory
factors, including wind speed, visibility, vessel size
and human factors. Project supported by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. Coast
Guard (USCG), and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Potential benefits include better resource utilization
for efficient mitigation of risk.
- National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, Greece.
- From 2/94 until 2/95
- Part-time research assistant. Worked under
the supervision of Prof. M. Sfantsikopoulos on the
development of a non-contact quality control system for
the manufacturing industry, a project funded by a European Union consortium. Focused on the design of cleaning
apparatus mounted on CNC machines in order to provide the
appropriate environmental conditions for operation of the
optical measuring device and its laser triangulation
system used for measurement reference.
Professional Experience
- H.A.R.T. Shipping Corp., Piraeus,
- From 4/94 until 8/95
- Assistant manager in the technical
department. Promoted company-wide restructuring through
the use of information technology. Responsible for the
design, development and implementation of the
departments information management system.
Potential benefits included cost reduction and business
strategy optimization. Participated in vessel survey by
classification society and major repair work.
- KENT Data Systems S.A., Piraeus,
- From 1/93 until 4/94
- Assistant manager in the customer support
department. Performed beta testing of ship management
applications developed by the company. Provided on-site
customer support of software and hardware. Supervised the
installation of the Unicorn Library Management System at the National Statistical Office in Athens,
- KENT Trading Corp., Piraeus,
- From 12/91 until 1/93
- Assistant manager in the operations
department. Responsible for the evaluation of software to
be purchased by the company. Participated in the
preparation of two business plans for ventures in the
shipping industry. Developed Excel based application for
the accounting department.
- P&P Marine Consultants Inc.,
Piraeus, Greece.
- Summers of 90 & 91
- Assistant in the technical department.
Prepared background information for insurance claims.
Professional Activities
- Prometheus Limited - PromNET,
Piraeus, Greece.
- From 3/95 until 6/95
- Coordinated six-member team an attempt to
raise funds for an Internet provider start-up designed to
serve the Hellenic maritime community. Prepared business
plan and negotiated with telecommunication authorities
the installation of a 1.5Mbits satellite link between New
York and Piraeus. Led the negotiations with prospective
private investors. Unsuccessful but valuable experience.
- Pantios University - Institute of
International Relations, Athens, Greece.
- May 95
- Taught UNIX and HTML at a three week
seminar focusing on the business activity in countries of
the former Eastern Block and the Balkans.
- General
Secretariat for Research & Technology of the Greek Ministry of Industry,
Athens, Greece.
- From 5/94 until 8/94
- Reviewed and evaluated several R&D
projects (1986-1990) performed by Greek manufacturing
companies and sponsored by the European Union, with
subjects in the field of mechanical engineering as a
member of a research team led by Prof. Sfantsikopoulos.
- Serafis School Computer
Education Department, Piraeus, Greece.
- From 9/92 until 5/94
- Coordinated and taught (part-time)
computer courses for young students (ages 10-18).
- Hellenic
Resources Institute,
Cambridge, MA.
- Since 2/96
- Hellenic Resources Network (HR-Net) group. Design graphics for the WWW server. Maintain
the Greek Institute web page. Advise on problems
concerning the installation and use of Hellenic fonts
reported via email by members of the Internet community
- CORBA And IIOP World Objects Seminar
Technologies, Boston, MA, Feb.
17, 1997.
- Critical Issues in Maritime Economics
- International Association of Maritime
Economists. Cambridge, MA, Dec. 15-16, 1995.
- 4th International World Wide Web
- MIT Laboratory of Computer Science, World Wide Web Consortium team, and Open Software Foundation. Boston, MA, Dec. 11-14, 1995.
- Industrial Mobile Robotics : Theory
& Applications
- National
Technical University of Athens,
Mechanical Engineering Dept., Mechanical Design & Control Systems
Division. Athens, Greece, Nov. 7 - Nov. 11, 1994.
Computer Skills
- Operating Systems
- MS-DOS, MS-Windows 3.1, 95 & NT, UNIX
& X-Windows.
- Programming Languages
- Visual Basic, C++, SQL, HTML, and JAVA.
- Commercial Applications
- MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Access,
MS-PowerPoint, MS-Project, CorelDraw, AutoCAD,
Mathematica, PhotoShop, Fractal Design Painter, and
Technical Chamber of Greece. Hellenic
Association of Mechanical & Electrical Engineers. International
Shipping Club at MIT. Hellenic Student Association
at MIT (Treasurer, 96-97). Hellenic Resources Network. Greek Institute of
Greek (Fluent), English (Fluent), French (Good)
- MIT 50K Business Plan Competition 1996. Semifinalist: InfoWave Inc. Prepared the
business plan for a company designed to provide Internet
base applications for the maritime industry
- Best degree thesis honor and monetary
award for the year 1994, in Mechanical Engineering by the
Technical Chamber of Greece
- Sixth place during the nationwide
examinations for the admission to the Mechanical
Engineering Department of the National
Technical University of Athens.
- "A port-level model of grounding
and implications for navigation technologies",
by Dr. H. L. Kite-Powell, Dr. Di Jin, N. M. Patrikalakis,
J. J. Jebsen, V. C. Papakonstantinou, submitted to the
Institute of Navigation 1997 Technical Meeting.
- "Evaluation Of The Physical Risk Of Ship
Grounding", by V. C.
Papakonstantinou and J.J. Jebsen, Master of Science
Thesis, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, MIT, February 1997.
- "Toward a Port-Level Model of
Grounding Risk", by Dr. H. L. Kite-Powell, Dr.
Di Jin, N. M. Patrikalakis, J. J. Jebsen, V. C.
Papakonstantinou, Submitted to the Risk Assessment and
Safety in the Marine Industry session at ISOPE 97.
- "Formulation of a Model for Ship
Transit Risk", by Dr. H. L. Kite-Powell, Dr. Di
Jin, N. M. Patrikalakis, J. J. Jebsen, V.C.
Papakonstantinou, Sea Grant Technical Report, September
- "Informating vs. Automating the
Maritime Industry", by V. C. Papakonstantinou
Marine Money International, Vol. 12, No. 9, May 16-31,
- "Numerical Methods for Analysis of
Aluminum Flow during Die Casting", by V. C.
Papakonstantinou, Master of Science Thesis, Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering, NTUA, February 1994.
Personal Links
My personal web page @
Vassilis C. Papakonstantinou
77 Massachusetts Ave, Rm. 5-435, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: +1-617-253-7798, 253-8295
Fax: +1-617-253-8125
Last modified: March 10, 1997