Computation of Multiple Roots of Polynomial Systems


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Table of Contents

Computation of Multiple Roots of Polynomial Systems

Polynomials with Multiple Roots

Interval Projected Polyhedron (IPP) Algorithm Overview

IPP Algorithm (Continue)

Degree of the Gauss Map

Illustration of the Gauss Map

Methods of Computing Multiplicity using the Gauss Map

The Cauchy Index

The Cauchy Index (continued)

Illustrative Example for Multiplicity Computation Using the Cauchy Index

PPT Slide

Direct Computation Method

PPT Slide

Robust Algorithm for Solving Univariate Polynomial Equations

Robust Algorithm for Solving Univariate Polynomial Equations

PPT Slide

Robust Algorithm for Solving Univariate Polynomial Equations

Robust Algorithm for Solving Univariate Polynomial Equations

Author: harishm


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