NSF Invitational Workshop on

Distributed Information, Computation, and Process Management for Scientific and Engineering Environments

May 15-16, 1998
Hyatt Dulles, Herndon, Virginia


The workshop invitees were selected to provide a balance of researchers in the field of computer science, and domain specialists in engineering and the sciences.

The workshop was organized into complementary segments. For motivational background, a series of formal presentations were given to a plenary session. Following these presentations, small breakout groups met informally to discuss specific issues and suggest avenues for future research efforts.

DICPM Homepage
Workshop Program
Invited Presentations
Position Papers
Executive Summary
Workshop Report
Summary of Workshop Results and Conclusions
Background Material
Photographs from the Workshop


URL: http://deslab.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/DesignLab/dicpm/participants.html
Last modified: Jan 24, 1999